
Episode 111 For Saturday, October 29, 2005

Headlines - Teachers Not Safe From Outsourcing, Canadian Child Care Discriminates Against Parents?, Predict Your Child's Adult Height, "Shackle-me Elmo", Longer School Day Tested, more...
Music - The Clintons, "Fan of the Bean", Chip Greene, "Everything About You", The Alien Cowboys Theme...
- Wipes Use 24
- ToonTest 5
- More Listener Comments
- And lots more...

Check out the show right HERE... but please subscribe using the links over to the left there, or search for "101 uses" in the podcast directory in iTunes!


Anonymous said...

Hi again,

Robert from Taiwan here. You were right to expect a backlash about your suggestion that schools in the US extend classroom hours. After school sports and part time jobs plus just bumming around with free time on my hands were a formative part of school years.

In contrast, here in Taiwan, kids, starting in elementary school, have to take many after school classes, such as music or language and even repeats of their normal classes to try to get ahead. Yes, this is all fine if it works out and the kids actually like it but for the majority of parents, it's just a place to park their kids for a while and for the kids, a place to act up. There is just way too much pressure put on these kids to excel. The parents have too many expectations about their child’s performance and the teachers end up getting too many kids who don't want to learn. And this is common throughout East Asia.

As an educator myself, you’d think I’d encourage more kids to get some “book smarts” but I believe they need exactly the opposite. Each kid is different. I believe the current school hours in the United States leaves the option for each kid, or parent, to tailor their after school hours to how they see fit.

Extended hours for schooling does have one big benefit. There are fewer hours for the child to hang around unsupervised. One less problem for the parent. If they are in school, the parent doesn’t have to worry about them “getting into trouble.”

And another thing. You mentioned that these extra hours of schooling would help us compete with students from other countries. That was way off. As you mentioned in the same podcast, students are being tutored in the US by teachers from India. Asians, you said, are educated and low paid. If education equals better pay, better educated would mean lower paid. Education also cannot be measure by scores in reading and math alone.

Awrightie, that was my stance. Keep up the good work bringing up these interesting, and controversial, news items and other tidbits daddies around the world can use.



xunil.penguin said...

hey man,
First time listener, Dad of two, hope to be soon podcaster ...

Listening to your bit about Womens choices, I found this article over on Wired. You've probably seen it, but I thought I'd pass it on.

As for your theme songs test, I got three outta three. I was unsure about the Danny Phantom one, since I've never seen the beginning or end of the show. But it just kinda seemed right. The other two were easy peasy, I'm a big Family Guy fan and the boys love Jojo's Circus.

Thanks for the great podcast.

Anonymous said...

hey, I also wanted to comment on the extra choices women have. While the family leave act allows both women and men to choose to take time off upon the birth of a baby, many companies have informal policies about extending that leave, and they frown on men actually trying to use it. And to the woman who made this pointL sure, it may hurt a woman's career to take a few years off to have a baby, but by making that point, are you claiming that a man's career would not also be hurt if he does the same thing? Sure it does. Unless you can prove that it hurts a woman's career more than a man's, your comment is useless.